Cosumnes River Preserve
- Site # 59 |
Species: | American Badger |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | American Beaver |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | American Bittern |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | River Walk & Wetlands Walk |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | American Coot |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. Barn Ponds & Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | American Crow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Visitor Center. Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | American Goldfinch |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | American Kestrel |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. Savannah Area. Barn Ponds and Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | American Robin |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | American White Pelican |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Desmond Road, Barn Ponds |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | American Wigeon |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk. Barn Ponds and Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Anna's Hummingbird |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Visitor Center deck. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Barn Swallow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Visitor Center. Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Su,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Belted Kingfisher |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Black Phoebe |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Visitor Center. Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Black-Necked Stilt |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk. Ponds along Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Black-Tailed Jackrabbit |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Bobcat |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Bullfrog |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Bushtit |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Visitor Center. Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | California Ground Squirrel |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | California Myotis |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Franklin Bridge. Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | California Quail |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. Savannah Area. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | California Slender Salamander |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | California Tiger Salamander |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | California Whipsnake(Striped Racer) |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Canada Goose |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Barn Ponds. Managed Wetlands. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Cinnamon Teal |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk. Barn Ponds and Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Common Garter Snake |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Common Kingsnake |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Common Yellowthroat |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Coyote |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Desert Cottontail |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Double-Crested Cormorant |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | River Walk Trail |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | European Starling |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Gadwall |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk. Barn Ponds and Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Gopher Snake |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Gray Fox |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Great Blue Heron |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk & River Walk. Along the River |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Great Egret |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk & River Walk. Along the River. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Greater White-Fronted Goose |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Barn Ponds. Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | W,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Greater Yellowlegs |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk. Ponds along Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Green-Winged Teal |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk. Barn Ponds and Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Hermit Thrush |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Hoary Bat |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Franklin Bridge. Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Sp,Su |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | House Finch |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | House Wren |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Visitor Center & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Least Sandpiper |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk. Ponds along Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Long-Billed Dowitcher |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk. Ponds along Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Mallard |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk. Barn Ponds and Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Marsh Wren |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Visitor Center & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Mourning Dove |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Northern Flicker |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Visitor Center. Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Northern Harrier |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. Savannah Area. Barn Ponds and Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Northern Pintail |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk. Barn Ponds and Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Northern River Otter |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Northern Shoveler |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk. Barn Ponds and Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Nuttall's Woodpecker |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Visitor Center. Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Ornate Shrew |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Ornate Shrew |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Pacific Treefrog |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Painted Turtle |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Pallid Bat |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Franklin Bridge. Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Pied-Billed Grebe |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Pied-Billed Grebe |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Raccoon |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Racer |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Red-Shouldered Hawk |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. Savannah Area. Barn Ponds and Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Red-Tailed Hawk |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. Savannah Area. Barn Ponds and Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Red-Winged Blackbird |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Ruby-Crowned Kinglet |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Sandhill Crane |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Staten Island. Wetlands Walk. Wetlands, Barn Ponds & Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | W,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Savannah Sparrow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Silver-Haired Bat |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Franklin Bridge. Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Snowy Egret |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | River Walk Trail & Wetlands Walk. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Song Sparrow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Southern Alligator Lizard |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Spotted Towhee |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Swainson's Hawk |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. Savannah Area. Barn Ponds and Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | Sp,Su |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Tree Swallow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Visitor Center. Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Turkey Vulture |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Roadway. Savannah along River Walk. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Virginia Opossum |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Fence Lizard |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Gray Squirrel |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Western Meadowlark |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Western Pond Turtle |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Rattlesnake |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Scrub-Jay |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Visitor Center. Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Western Spadefoot |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Toad |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | White-Breasted Nuthatch |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | White-Tailed Kite |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. Barn Ponds and Desmond Road. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Wood Duck |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | River Walk Trail and along the river. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Yellow-Billed Magpie |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Visitor Center. Wetlands Walk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Yellow-Rumped Warbler |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | Sp |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Yuma Myotis |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Franklin Bridge. Wetlands Walk, Boardwalk & River Walk Trail. Rancho Seco Howard Ranch Trail. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |