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Credit 1 Pam Starr
2 Alyn Robert Brereton
3 Julie MacKinnon
4 Linda Pittman
5 Parham Pourahmad
6 Larry Whiting
7 Randall Finley
Visitation: 15,000 annually
Area: 30,000 Acres
Lat: 40.769078
Lon: 122.342564
Nearby Services
Gas-Redding, 20 miles MilesFood-Redding, 20 miles MilesLodging-Redding, 20 miles Miles
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Top Banner Photo Credits
Pam Starr
Alyn Robert Brereton
Julie MacKinnon
Linda Pittman
Parham Pourahmad
Larry Whiting
Randall Finley
Packers Bay/Shasta Lake - Site # 154
A diverse birdwatching experience along beautiful Shasta Lake!
PremiumPremium - the most significant sites, worth visiting if you have limited time. Premium sites have high wildlife values year-round, staff on site, interpretive programs and/or displays, and well-developed facilities.

: 482x322 Houseboating on Shasta Lake: 1024x731.42857142857

Background: Enjoy some of California's best views of nesting ospreys and bald eagles while at popular Shasta Lake. The 370-mile forested shoreline hosts 60 osprey nests and 18 bald eagle nests-the state's largest population of these species on a single reservoir. Whether boating or hiking, begin exploring the lake from Packers Bay.

The Habitat: Follow the Packers Bay trails along the shoreline and among oaks, chaparral, and heavily forested slopes.

The Experience: Experience a rich diversity of habitats, birds and mammals along beautiful Lake Shasta. Breathtaking views will include Mt. Shasta and Castle Crags in the distance.

Wildlife and Where to Find It: Ospreys visible March through October; peak nesting May and June. See resident eagles fall through spring. Many spring songbirds. Take a drive and see more ospreys and eagles at Jones Valley Inlet; on the way, stop at Pit River Arm to see nesting purple martins.

Watch the lake for double–crested cormorants, western grebes, mallards, and gulls. Follow the Packers Bay trails along the shoreline and among oaks, chaparral, and heavily forested slopes. Look for the mule deer, acorn woodpeckers, ash-throated flycatchers, oak titmice, California thrasher, mountain quail, and wild turkeys in the open chaparral. Myriads of migratory songbirds, as well as occasional raccoons and river otters, may be spotted along the creeks and shoreline.

Viewing Tips: Look near the tops of shoreline or ridgeline trees for the ospreys' stick nests. Bald eagles hide their bulky nests within the shady branches of ponderosa pines. Scan the lake to see these acrobtic flyers fishing. Don't confuse them with another common dark bird of prey-the turkey vulture. Also watch the lake for double-crested cormorants, western grebes, mallards, and gulls. Follow the Packers Bay trails along the shoreline and amoung oaks, chaparral, and heavily forested slopes. Look for mule deer, acorn woodpeckers, ash-throated flycatchers, plain titmice, mountain quail, and wild turkeys in the open chaparral. Myriads of swallows, warblers, and migratory birds, as well as occasional raccoons and river otters, may be spotted along the creeks and shorelines.

Nearby Viewing Sites: Lewiston Lake/Trinity River Hatchery - Weaverville

Festivals & Events: Coleman Fish Hatchery Annual Return of the Salmon Festival - Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Shasta Wildlife maintains a booth at the Salmon Festival every year. Volunteers will be available to answer your questions. The Salmon Festival is held every year on the 3rd Saturday in October. For more information see the Coleman Fish Hatchery website.

Visitor Information: Shasta Cascade Wonderland Assn -- California Welcome Center - (530) 365-1180 - http://tinyurl.com/h5wd7zb
Viewing Site Hours of Operation are:
Staff On-site: No
Year Round: Yes

Road Information:   Paved.  Gravel.  Dirt. 
Road Hazards: Watch for ice during winter months
 Number of Parking Spaces: 0
Parking Fee: No
Proximity to viewing area:View at Parking Area
 Pull-Through Parking: Yes
Parking Danger: Narrow access roads

How to Get There: From Redding, take Interstate 5 north 17 miles to the O'Brien exit. Turn left, drive underneath highway, then board on-ramp for Interstate 5 south. Drive 1.5 miles south to Packers Bay exit; turn west; Travel 1.5 miles on Packers Bay Road to boat ramp and trailhead.

Contact Information
Managing Agency: USDA Forest Service Shasta Lake Visitor Center
Agency Site URL: http://tinyurl.com/jhmd7jm
Physical Address:14225 Holiday Road
Redding, CA 96003
Agency 2:
, CA
Manager Phone:
Site Phone:(530) 275-1587
County: Shasta
Addition Website: